Water takes
The Resource Management (Measurement and Reporting of Water Takes) Regulation 2010 applies to resource consents allowing fresh water to be taken at a rate of 5 litres per second or more.
This regulation does not apply to water takes that do not need a consent or that are non-consumptive (where you will return the same amount of water back to the same water body at or near the location from which it was taken with no significant delay).
The regulations set bottom line requirements for the installation, maintenance, recording and reporting of water take information to Council.
Water meters, when properly installed and maintained, are the most accurate and easiest method for measuring water flow. When your meter has been installed, you will need to record and submit your water take/use data to Council by 31 July each year.
The recording and reporting frequency of water take data to Council is dependent on the conditions in your consent and/or the water metering regulations.
Failure to send in your water metering information means you are non-compliant with your consent conditions and may result in enforcement action being taken.
For information on water meter types, please speak with your installer about which meter is best for you. The following forms will need to be filled out on installation of the meter and at the time of verification.
After your meter has been installed, you will need to record and submit your water use data to the Council. To do this, extract the data logger export file and email this to watermeter@wcrc.govt.nz.