Regional potential highlighted in Growth Study
Regional potential highlighted in Growth Study
The West Coast Regional Council welcomes the release of the Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Growth Study. Launched today at the Arahura Marae by the Hon. Steven Joyce, Minister for Economic Development, the study identifies and prioritises the economic opportunities in the region that have the most potential to sustainably grow investment, incomes and jobs.
The study has highlighted opportunities in tourism, information and communications technology and education, as well as the ability to build on the region’s rich natural resources in the primary and extractive sectors. Opportunities that will help support growth right across the various sectors have also been identified, which include improvements in transport, telecommunications, access to natural resources and for the region’s economic development arrangements.
“This is a huge opportunity for the West Coast region,” said Andrew Robb, Chairman of the West Coast Regional Council, and of the Governance Group who oversaw the development of the study.
“The value of this study is not only in having these opportunities identified, but from the partnerships that will be developed with central government, and other agencies, to turn words into action.”
Now the study has been completed, work will start on the West Coast Regional Action Plan. The plan will identify the tangible actions that will potentially contribute millions of dollars to the West Coast economy. The Governance Group, made up of representatives of central government, the Regional Council, two West Coast rūnanga, businesses and local agencies, will work together over the coming months to develop the plan.
Mr Robb said that only by all agencies working together, in a strategic and coordinated way, will we achieve success.
“Generating sustainable, high-paying jobs and boosting the standard of living will increase business confidence and business investment. The plan for the West Coast will build confidence amongst potential investors and ensure that we take steps towards building a brighter future for us all.”