Mananui Mineral Sand Mining
Mananui Westland Mineral Sands
Westland Mineral Sands Co. Limited (WMSC) are applying for all resource consents necessary to undertake mineral sands mining and processing to obtain ilmenite, garnet, gold and other minerals over an area of approximately 112ha of land owned by WMS Land Co. Ltd. The activities will seek to produce a heavy mineral concentrate for export.
The site is located at 713 Ruatapu Road, State Highway Six, Mananui and is legally described as Lot 3 DP 366769 BLK VII Mahinapua Survey District. The land is covered by Mining Permit MP 60508.
The site is currently used for dry stock grazing and dairy support and is modified farmland located adjacent to State Highway 6 at Mananui. There are natural inland wetlands and forest bordering the site to the east and a Department of Conservation ecological reserve to the South.
The mining operation involves extracting mineral sand ore from a mining strip area, pumping the ore to a processing plant located on the western side of the site, extracting the heavy mineral concentrate and returning the un-mineralised sand to the mining void. Mining will progress in strips across the site generally in a north-south orientation, starting in the southwest and progressing northward.
The onsite processing, buildings and facilities will be located within a 4.4ha envelope along the western boundary of the site adjacent to State Highway 6, proposed buildings will have a total footprint of appropriately 3860m2, including a Wet Concentrator Plant being (17m in height and 2000m2).
The proposed mining, processing and trucking operation will occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The heavy mineral concentrate will be transported off the site to the Port of Greymouth for direct export.
A 16-year consent term is sought, mining is proposed to take approximately 10 years. Rehabilitation works will occur on a progressive basis to minimise the area disturbed at any one time as operations move through the mining area, including at final closure of the site the creation of an ecological reserve approximately 28.45ha in area in the eastern application area.
This application is currently open for submissions. Submissions CLOSE at 5pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Application and Appendices
- 1. WMS Mananui RC Application AEE Nov 2024 - Final.pdf
- 1.Notice of update of planning consultant
- Application Form 1 - WCRC Admin Form.pdf
- Att A Record of Title.pdf
- Att B Site Plan.jpg
- Att C Archaeological Site Records.pdf
- Att D Processing Plant Area Site Plan.pdf
- Att E - Plant Graphics.pdf
- Att F Mananui Integrated Transport Assessment.pdf
- Att F1 Sched 2 Access Diagram.pdf
- Att F2 DRAFT Transport Management Mananui.pdf
- Att G Mananui Mine - Noise Assessment.pdf
- Att G2 DRAFT Noise Management Plan.pdf
- Att G3 Sched 3 Noise Bund Locations.pdf
- Att H Mananui Hydrological Impact Assessment_Final.pdf
- Att H1 Hydrological Impact Assessment Model Results Update.pdf
- Att H2 - DRAFT Water Management Monitoring and Mitigation Plan.pdf
- Att H3 Sched 5 Monitoring sites & management zone.pdf
- Att I DRAFT Dust Management Plan Final.pdf
- Att J - Indicative Fuel Storage Specifications.pdf
- Att K_Mananui Ecological Assessment_vk_VE_24.11.18 (3).pdf
- Att K2 Fauna Management Plan Final.pdf
- Att K3 Mananui Indigenous Restoration Plan.pdf
- ATT K4_ Appendix6_Avian Survey.pdf
- Att K5_Appendix7_Lizard Survey.pdf
- Att K6_Appendix8_Bat_Survey.pdf
- Att L Mananui Landscape and Visual Assessment - Revision 2.pdf
- Att L2 - Appendix 2 - Landscape Graphic Suppplement - Revision 2.pdf
- Att L3 - Appendix 3 - Landscape Mitigation - Revision 1.pdf
- Att L4 Sched 4 Landscape Mitigation Plan.pdf
- Att M - DRAFT Rehabilitation Management Plan Mananui.pdf
- Att N Proposed Conditions of Consent.pdf
- Att O Compliance Assessment of Relevant Planning Documents.pdf
- Att P - Economic assessment - final.pdf
- Att Q Archaeological Assessment.pdf
- Att R - DRAFT Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) 2024.pdf
- Att R2 - Appendix A1 ESCP Earthworks Activity Table.pdf
- Att R2 - Appendix A2 - ESCP Concept Map.jpg
- Att S Radiation Report Final.pdf
- Att T Objectives and Policies Assessment.pdf
- Att U 2019-02-01-PLN- FINAL Mahinapua Management Plan.pdf
- Att V Mananui Geotechnical Assessment Oct 2023.pdf
Further Information
- 1. RFI Response 061224.pdf
- 20250214 Letter Response.pdf
- Att B Site Plan.jpg
- Att H1 Hydrological Impact Assessment Model Results Update.pdf
- Att H2 - DRAFT Water Management Monitoring and Mitigation Plan.pdf
- Att K _Mananui Ecological Assessment.pdf
- Att K3 Mananui Indigenous Restoration Plan.pdf
- ATT K4_ Appendix6_Avian Survey.pdf
- Att K5_Appendix7_Lizard Survey.pdf
- Att K6_Appendix8_Bat_Survey.pdf
- Att M - DRAFT Rehabilitation Management Plan Mananui.pdf
- Att N Proposed Conditions of Consent.pdf
- Att R - DRAFT Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) 2024.pdf
- Att R2 - Appendix A1 ESCP Earthworks Activity Table.pdf
- Att R2 - Appendix A2 - ESCP Concept Map.jpg
- Att V Mananui Geotechnical Assessment Oct 2023.pdf
- ATT_1_WGA_RFI Response Memo.pdf
- ATT_2_Mananui RFI Noise Response.pdf
- ATT_3_WCRC section 92 Ecological response final_2024.07.pdf
- ATT_4_Mananui Response Memo - Landscape.pdf
- ATT_5_LT re Interpretation of Mining Rule incl RFI aspects.pdf
- Ecological Peer Review (Final).pdf
- Hydrological Peer Review (Final).pdf
- Hydrological Review.pdf
- Mananui Acoustic Review FINAL.pdf
- Response to Further Information_ecology_11Feb25 (1).pdf
- RFI (Commissioning Peer Reviews).pdf
- WDC Supplementary Building Information 210225.pdf
- WGA_peer_review_memo_additionalQs180225.pdf