Regional Land and Water Plan Change 1
Key Dates
22 August 2016: Proposed Plan Change 1 to the Regional Land and Water Plan publicly advertised for submissions
16 September 2016: Submissions closed. 46 initial submissions received.
17 October 2016: Summary of Decisions Requested advertised for further submissions
31 October 2016: Further submissions closed. 25 further submissions received.
18-21 June 2018: First hearing held
31 January 2019: Second hearing held
16 September 2019: Third hearing held
29 May 2020: Council released its Decisions on submissions to proposed Plan Change 1
13 July 2020: Appeal period closed.
Operative Plan Change 1
One appeal was lodged by Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio on the Lake Kini wetlands on Māori reserve land. As the appeal did not affect any other parts of Plan Change 1, the rest of the Plan Change except for the parts under appeal was made operative on 22 October 2020.
Here are links to the version of the Land and Water Plan showing the Plan Change 1 miscellaneous changes, and the set of A3 maps showing changes to wetland boundaries from Plan Change 1, excluding the Lake Kini wetlands on Maori reserve land. The A3 maps are now part of the Plan, and the topo maps in Schedule 1 and 2 of the Plan, of wetlands that have had boundary changes, are removed from the Plan.
Land & Water Plan showing Plan Change 1 changes excluding the Lake Kini wetlands KAGP008 a and b, and excluding the NPSFM S55 changes.
A3 wetland maps showing final boundary corrections from Plan Change 1 excluding the Lake Kini wetlands KAGP008 a and b
Appeal Resolution
The appeal on the Lake Kini wetland boundaries is resolved, and the Environment Court approved it on 3 May 2021. Changes to the Lake Kini wetlands boundaries were made operative on 20 July 2021. Below are links to the operative Land and Water Plan pages, and the A3 set of maps’ pages with minor consequential changes, and maps showing the amended Lake Kini wetland boundaries:
Click here for the complete Land and Water Plan and the A3 maps with the Plan Change 1 changes