Regional Coastal Plan
Operative Regional Coastal Plan 2001
The operative West Coast Regional Coastal Plan 2001 provides a framework to achieve the sustainable management of the Coastal Marine Area (CMA) and manage the effects of resource use activities in the CMA. The CMA is the area below the Mean High Water Spring mark out to the 12 nautical mile limit at sea, except where that line is upstream on rivers or creeks. Download the full operative 2001 Plan [excluding operative plan changes] here
Operative Plan Changes 1 and 2 to the Regional Coastal Plan 2001
Operative Plan Change 1 amends the Permitted Rule and Discretionary Rules and, plus two Policies for sand, shingle and stone removal. It also extends the Coastal Hazard Area 14 southward.
Operative Plan Change 2 adds the new Permitted Rule for opening blocked river/creek mouths identified in the new Schedule 6 of the Plan, subject to conditions, where the backup water is causing a flood threat.
Removal of Restricted Coastal Activity provisions
On 14 January 2011, the Operative Coastal Plan 2001 was amended to remove the Restricted Coastal Activity provisions, as required by Policy 29 of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010. Policy 29 provides that Restricted Coastal Activity provisions can be removed from coastal plans under s55 of the RMA, without having to go through a Schedule 1 public submission process. Here is a link to the Restricted Coastal Activity parts of the Plan that are removed.
Note that Plan Changes 1 and 2, and the Removal of Restricted Coastal Activity provisions are not physically added to the 2001 Plan due to formatting difficulties. They are separate documents.
Refer to the Operative Regional Coastal Plan 2001, Operative Plan Changes 1 and 2, and Removal of the Restricted Coastal Activity provisions for any queries you may have about activities in the Coastal Marine Area (CMA).
Withdrawal of Proposed West Coast Regional Coastal Plan 2016
The Council’s Resource Management Committee met on 10 September 2024 and resolved to withdraw the current proposed Coastal Plan 2016 under Schedule 1, section 8D of the Resource Management Act. This decision was made because of the length of time since the proposed Coastal Plan was submitted on, and a number of law and policy changes have occurred since then. Staff have been working with two Coastal Plans, which is inefficient. Additionally, the proposed Coastal Plan 2016 has not been completed.
However, the work put into the 2016 proposed Regional Coastal Plan will still play a valuable role in the new review of the 2001 Plan, and the new Coastal Plan may incorporate key changes sought in the submissions/further submissions received in 2016.
The proposed Regional Coastal Plan 2016 is withdrawn as from 17 September 2024. Click here to read the public notice advising the withdrawal of the 2016 proposed Coastal Plan.
Coastal Plan Review
The proposed Regional Coastal Plan is currently under review.