Data Viewer Help
The Regional Council uses ‘Google maps’ and ‘Highcharts’ to display environmental data online. This page has been designed to help users navigate these interfaces.
The two tabs above the map navigate between rainfall and river level/flow data, with a keyboard shortcuts list available in the bottom right corner of the map.
The site symbols reflect the latest data available for display. Note that because different sites call in data at different times, this map is not necessarily an accurate reflection of real-time information.
To view the latest sample time and site statistics, please click on the relevant site icon.
To view the data charts and summary tables for the selected and all other monitoring sites, click on the text at the bottom of the pane to access the data viewer.
The rainfall and river level/flow sites have been separated into the three districts within the West Coast region, and a summary table provided for each.
Clicking on the site name will open the relevant chart for that site.
Data type selection
The dropdown box in the top left corner allows for selection of the different data sets and statistics the chart can display. These are:
Top left: Reporting – this will have a top center drop down box containing:
- Rainfall: Rainfall Return Periods, Monthly Rainfall Totals and Annual Rainfall Plot
- River: Minimum Flow, Median Flow and Maximum Flow
Top Left: Chart – this will have a top center drop down box containing:
- Air quality: daily and hourly PM10
- Rainfall: daily and hourly totals
- River: level and flow
- Weather: wind speed, wind direction, a wind rose and barometric pressure.
Site selection
The dropdown box in the top right, will provide a list of all sites that have the data of interest available.
Data points
Hover your mouse over the graph to see the time stamped data points and values.
Zooming to view data
Beneath the site name are four fixed timeframe zoom options . Clicking on these will adjust the graph range. The time slider beneath the chart can be used to navigate to the data within the selected timeframe.
Alternatively, you can customize the data range using the dropdown option beneath the chart.
Overplotting rainfall and river data
When viewing the river level or flow data, it is possible to enable rainfall data to display alongside it.
To do this, select ‘Rainfall’ in the legend of the chart.
Note: where possible the rainfall data displayed has been selected for being upstream of the river monitoring site of interest. This paired trace is the only one able to be plotted alongside the selected level or flow data. This is done to allow for the viewing of rainfall data that may affect the river at the monitored location. If you’d like to view the rainfall data at the river site of interest, please go to the rainfall data viewer page.
Table view
All data is viewable in table format, with data displayed from the most recently recorded to 40 days prior.
Select the ‘View chart data in table format’ beneath the chart to access this.