News and announcements
Your hub for all the latest news, events, announcements and developments at the West Coast Regional Council.
West Coast leaders build on momentum
NewsMomentum continues to build following Sunday’s march across the Taramakau Bridge. click the link below to find out what is happening now.
Economic development moves into the next phase
NewsChanges to the delivery of economic development are nearing completion with the Governance Group’s primary role accomplished.
Looking to the future, together - Opinion piece by Andrew Robb
NewsThe Government announcement of a ban on new mining on conservation land has re-opened old wounds on the West Coast.
Two-pronged approach recommended for Government mining ban
NewsA two-pronged approach to combat the issues facing the West Coast is being proposed as the Government looks to release a consultation document on how a conservation mining ban may be implemented.
Community driving forward water quality improvements
NewsMarrs Beach and Shingle Beach, located on the Buller River, are the focus of a community group representing the wider community’s desire to see water quality improved in the area.
Regional collaboration for PGF applications
NewsElected members from the four Councils and Iwi, and the boards of Development West Coast and Tourism West Coast met to discuss how to leverage opportunities through the Provincial Growth Fund.
Minerals permitting workshops
NewsFour Minerals Permitting workshops have now taken place on the West Coast. The workshops, being trialled for six months, are part of the wider ‘One Window’ project.
Planning for the big one
NewsIn a large scale event, such as an Alpine Fault earthquake, West Coasters, both communities and businesses will be required to do without road access for an extended period of time.
Councils work together on historic landfill
NewsTwo West Coast Councils have moved quickly to address contamination from a historic landfill in the Hector area.
Franz feedback summary released
NewsA summary of the feedback received on the future of Franz Josef has been released.
Economic opportunities back in the spotlight
NewsFunding announced under the newly launched Provincial Growth Fund is being hailed on the West Coast.
'One Window' project pilot
NewsA pilot project is commencing this week to assist with streamlining the consenting and permission process for mining applications.
NZIMMR Trustees
NewsThe New Zealand Institute of Minerals to Materials Research (NZIMMR) charitable trust announce the appointment from March 2018 of an additional two trustees.
West Coast flooding
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Feedback on Franz future
NewsFeedback on the future of Franz Josef continues to trickle in with 80 submissions now received.
'Can I swim here' launched today
NewsA new ‘Can I swim here?’ online tool launched today means West Coast residents and visitors can enjoy our rivers, lakes, and beaches with confidence this summer.
Decision on Te Kuha Mining Project released
NewsConsent has been granted, subject to conditions, for the Te Kuha Mining Project on the West Coast.
Cobden flood protection given green light
NewsThe Greymouth Floodwall Committee has endorsed the proposals to proceed with work to reduce flooding in the lower Cobden area.
Franz future options now on the table
NewsThe draft findings of a study detailing options for the future of Franz Josef were discussed at a community meeting in the township last night.
Untamed Natural Wilderness scoops LGNZ EXCELLENCE Award
NewsThe West Coast Regional Council has won the LGNZ EXCELLENCE Award for Best Practice Contribution to Local Economic Development.